3 Peak Calling

Peak caller: MACS2

3.1 No. of peaks

Table 3.1: Peak Calling Statistic
ID Tissue Factor Condition Replicate Caller Intervals
F1V-K27 F FV V 1 macs 69289
F1D-K27 F FD D 1 macs 66633
F2V-K27 F FV V 2 macs 60777
F2D-K27 F FD D 2 macs 52358
M1V-K27 M MV V 1 macs 24175
M1D-K27 M MD D 1 macs 15481
M2V-K27 M MV V 2 macs 41054
M2D-K27 M MD D 2 macs 105362
M3V-K27 M MV V 3 macs 48579
M3D-K27 M MD D 3 macs 34548
F3V-K27 F FV V 3 macs 63934
F3D-K27 F FD D 3 macs 58491
F4V-K27 F FV V 4 macs 48795
F4D-K27 F FD D 4 macs 49133
F5V-K27 F FV V 5 macs 67263
F5D-K27 F FD D 5 macs 81164
M4V-K27 M MV V 4 macs 44960
M4D-K27 M MD D 4 macs 30593
M5V-K27 M MV V 5 macs 63224
M5D-K27 M MD D 5 macs 56767
M6V-K27 M MV V 6 macs 33449
M6D-K27 M MD D 6 macs 21862
No. of peaks

Figure 3.1: No. of peaks

No. of peaks (per million mapped read)

Figure 3.2: No. of peaks (per million mapped read)

No. of peak in the promoter regions

Figure 3.3: No. of peak in the promoter regions

3.2 No. of peaks by the consensus level

3.2.1 All samples (n=22)

##  [1] 174161  93213  70240  57883  50120  44477  40134  36551  33480  30802  28329  26277  24277  22403  20604  18931
## [17]  17336  15660  14077  12252  10119   7179
No of peaks by the consensus level

Figure 3.4: No of peaks by the consensus level

3.2.2 FV (n=5)

## [1] 109738  56752  40386  30640  22325
No of peaks by the consensus level (FV)

Figure 3.5: No of peaks by the consensus level (FV)

3.2.3 FD (n=5)

## [1] 111990  56709  39275  29237  21059
No of peaks by the consensus level (FD)

Figure 3.6: No of peaks by the consensus level (FD)

3.2.4 MV (n=6)

## [1] 90705 44383 30827 23131 17509 12087
No of peaks by the consensus level (MV)

Figure 3.7: No of peaks by the consensus level (MV)

3.2.5 MD (n=6)

## [1] 112680  46549  26442  18218  12956   8196
No of peaks by the consensus level (MD)

Figure 3.8: No of peaks by the consensus level (MD)

3.3 Consensus peaks across factors of interests

  • A peak should be supported by at least 2 samples within each of the factor group (e.g. FD, FV)
## [1] 109738  56752  40386  30640  22325

3.4 Fraction of Read in Peaks (FRiP)

  • The proportion of reads that overlap a peak in the consensus peakset.
  • It can be used to indicate which samples show more enrichment overall.

3.5 Heatmap

Heatmap based on the affinity matrix (aka. count-table)

Figure 3.9: Heatmap based on the affinity matrix (aka. count-table)

3.6 PCA

PCA plot based on the affinity matrix (aka. count-table)

Figure 3.10: PCA plot based on the affinity matrix (aka. count-table)